The 14th Annual Mat-Su Salmon Science & Conservation Symposium was held virtually on November 17, 2021. Registration is free. Find the event flyer here.
Symposium Recording: Click “Watch on YouTube” to view to full playlist.
Keynote Speaker: John McMillan
John McMillan is the Science Director for Trout Unlimited’s Wild Steelhead Initiative. Before coming to TU, John studied salmonids for the USFS, Hoh Indian tribe, Wild Salmon Center, and finally, with NOAA/NWFSC as part of the Elwha River dam removal project. His research and monitoring has often focused on the biology, behavior and ecology of steelhead and rainbow trout, with a particular interest in the mechanisms influencing why individual fish adopt particular life history strategies — such as anadromy and residency – and why such life histories are critical to the resilience of wild steelhead. As a result, he has published several peer-reviewed manuscripts on steelhead and salmon science and has written books and book chapters about fish and fly fishing.
What his publications won’t reveal is how much time he spends underwater with the fish. John has snorkeled just over 2,000 km of stream habitat, largely focusing on the behavior of salmonids and how they use and interact with their habitat.
His upcoming keynote talk will focus on the Elwha River dam removal project and the recolonization response of steelhead, Chinook salmon, and coho salmon, and will include a series of photographs and videos that illustrate the dramatic changes in river’s environment and their subsequent effects on fish.
Thank you to our sponsors!
The 14th Annual Mat-Su Salmon Science and Conservation Symposium is made possible by the generous support of the Matanuska-Susitna Borough, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, Bureau of Land Management, Knik Tribal Council, Susitna River Coalition, Cook Inlet Aquaculture Association, Trout Unlimited, Great Land Trust and Palmer Soil and Water Conservation District.