The NOAA Fisheries Office of Habitat Conservation and the Recreational Fisheries Initiative are seeking to identify and support projects within coastal Fish Habitat Partnerships (FHPs), including Mat-Su Basin Salmon Habitat Partnership, that protect or restore habitat AND engage recreational fishing partners.
The goals of this funding opportunity are to enhance collaboration with recreational, subsistence, cultural, and non-commercial fishing communities, and to protect and restore habitat. Healthy habitat leads to more fishing opportunities and increased climate resilience, and there are numerous opportunities to advance habitat conservation by working together. The National Fish Habitat Partnership (NFHP) and individual FHPs provide strategic opportunities to advance priority habitat conservation projects while also engaging recreational, subsistence, cultural, and non-commercial anglers. NFHP aims to protect, restore and enhance the nation’s fish and aquatic communities through partnerships that foster fish habitat conservation and improve the quality of life for the American people.
Funding Available: Approximately $150,000 is available nationally, and will be used to support several FHP projects (up to ~$75,000 per project).
Projects must:
- Be located in and coordinated with a Fish Habitat Partnership (like MSBSHP).
- Actively engage recreational fishing partners in habitat protection or restoration. This may include, but is not limited to:
● Direct participation of recreational anglers in FHP habitat projects, including research, monitoring, and on-the-ground restoration
● Education and outreach with, by, or for anglers on habitat conservation topics
● Holding an event centered on habitat and recreational fishing opportunity that engages the recreational fishing community and partners - Focus on habitat restoration, protection, or research for saltwater or diadromous species.
- Be achievable within the provided timeline and budget and provide project updates to NOAA when requested.
Priority will be given to projects that:
- Demonstrate coordination between an FHP and recreational fishing partners
- Have the potential to develop longer-term relationships with recreational fishing community/partners
- Actively engage groups underrepresented in the recreational fishing community
- Result in improved fish habitat availability, quality, or understanding, particularly for species with high recreational or socioeconomic significance
Time Frame: Projects may take place over the course of more than one year, but funds must be obligated by 09/30/22. Funds do not need to be spent by 9/30/22.
Interested in applying for funding? Contact Jessica Speed, Partnership Coordinator, at to see if your project would be a good fit.
Deadline: Proposals should be in to MSBSHP as soon as possible in order to submit our recommendations to NOAA by February 11, 2022.